NWS Delivery Update

Hungry for NWS, but stuck at home/the office/the beach, or hesitant to head into Canal Park? Try our delivery service!

Check the link above for more detailed information on our renovated delivery service. What follows is the most important details.

Our in-haus delivery team delivers our full menu, including apparel and grocery orders within a limited range daily from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.*

And we've recently teamed up with Food Dudes Delivery to extend our delivery hours and range! Food Dudes delivers our sandwiches and sides 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. daily.

Minimum delivery cost is $15, and we apply a $3.50 delivery fee. Food Dudes assesses a separate delivery fee. The delivery fees do not stack.

*Some exceptions, such as catering and sandwich platter orders, may apply. If you have any questions, call us at (218) 724-7307 during regular delivery hours and see how we can help.