5 things volume 2

Volume 2

It's Friday, and the weekend is just gearing up. Our busy shop season is nearing the end. There is sure to be a bustling shop this weekend and all the shenanigans that go with it, but here's 5 things that happened this past week, at #thesmokehaus:

  1. As we have probably all forgotten already, Monday was the Solar Eclipse. The country seemed to be a buzz with the impending total eclipse, but NOT HERE IN DULUTH! NOPE! Go figure, a cloudy day here and we were stuck inside making sandwiches, processing meat, prepping food, and packing box after box of bacon. They tell me I will learn to love this “cool” weather in Duluth. They also tell me these 70 boxes that went out this week ain’t nothin’ compared to the holiday mail order season. Eeek! :/

2. Taylor and Eric make a giant Porketta. We’re talking almost 20 pounds of butterflied pork loin and pork belly smothered in herbs and rolled to perfection. Several hours in the smoker will have that belly caramelized just right. Have you ever seen such beauty? And look at that Porketta! 🙂 This Tuscan-style porketta will be the focal point up our upcoming and final Barn Dinner of the season. We love putting on these events. We get to showcase our skills outside of the Smokehaus, and be creative and innovative. We get to bring people together over food (what we do best).

3. Jerry made some bread this week (as he does every week). By the numbers: 1 guy, 80 loaves of bread, 1 tiny oven! Impressive, no? Jerry’s evil plan is to be a full time baker for the shop. YAASSSS! Right now he bakes all of this in a 2x2x2 Blodgett oven, a true testament to his commitment and love of bread-making.

4. Can we talk for a minute about how we all hate packing peanuts? They are the worst! Always sticking themselves to your clothes and hands. We’re practically swimming in them here. But sadly they are a necessary component for shipping. 🙁 These 20 cubic foot bags are just ridiculous. With only 1 very over-used elevator at the DeWitt-Seitz Building, our employees hoisted these prodigious packs of peanuts up 3 flights of public stairs and public stares! A hilarious sight to see. Now they loom and tower over our ever enclosing office space.

5. And unto us, a Smokehaus baby was born. Well, not exactly to us, but to our dear employee, Woody! We waited with anticipation all last week and as the silly due date came and went. Woody finally took his leave and we all blankly looked at each other wondering how we would know when it finally came. And finally this week, we get to say, “Congrats to the happy couple!”